Foundational Facilitation Training
This Program Offers the fundamental tools of foundational EFL training based on Helen’s 40 plus years of relating with people and horses in a new relational way, which combines Linda Kohanov’s EponaQuest tools. It is the culmination of her life-long passion for sharing her observations, experiences and realisations with the horses, all condensed for your easy learning!
The program is a mixture of three, 4-day intensive, hands-on sessions with the horses and each other (over seven months) connected by monthly virtual group meetings to check in on progress and to maintain the flow of the program.
Is It For You?
You are, or want to be, a facilitator of some sort already working with horses
You know how powerful horses are in helping people and you want to share their gifts with your Clients. You are looking for training and tools to develop the EFL side of your business
You have a deep passion to help both people and horses and you want to learn new ways of supporting them
You might feel as if you have never fit into the world of horse training or competition; you may even have been ridiculed for not riding, yet are deeply drawn to spend time with horses. You are seeking validation about your intuition and guidance which you are beginning to feel and want to follow
You’ve reached a crossroads with your own work and your engagement with people and want more tools and more training to move deeper into the EFL field
You are curious and relieved about new ways of ‘being’ with horses as an emerging, exciting discipline
I believe horses reflect the capacity to work together with such ease and simplicity that the solutions to world change are standing right in front of us….. in the form of a herd of horses! We simply need to interpret, understand and implement their innate model for our own evolution.
My Vision is to Help You Learn Effective Tools to strengthen the growing population of people in relationship with horses, wishing to share their majestic gifts and to role-model a non-dominant way of relating to these magnificent creatures. By so doing, we create a healthy canvas to build better relationships with everything and everyone!
Upon Completion Of The Program, you will have an entirely new relationship with yourself, your horse (if applicable) and others. You will also have created a level of personal confidence and understanding to support those who come seeking answers from you.
lots of practical tools and practice in applying them
we work in small groups (4 - 6 max.) with an additional assistant present when the group is more than 4, permitting effective learning and deep embodiment of the tools and process
understanding and clarity about the core characteristics of horses, their needs and how they function in their natural state
learning about how to be in relationship more effectively by emulating their models and behaviours
ability to apply this new knowledge with Clients and their horses (if applicable) for mutual advantage
awareness and ability to detect horses that may have been adversely affected through unsound practices and tools to begin a process for rehabilitation
Helen Offers a Psychological Focus to this work and therefore her training has a powerful underpinning in such topics as:
original family roles that stay with us
exploration of group dynamics in action, which will lead to
exploring Linda Kohanov’s "5 Roles of a Master Herder" Model
open discussion regarding the latest thoughts and ideas on trauma resolution and how to support Clients effectively
an introduction to a horizontal community-based model of living - a wonderful solution to the crumbling top down patriarchal hierarchy
an evolutionary development of working with the horses together in a herd, respecting their inherent herd social structure in how they support each other, as opposed to the human format of working with individual horses!
We are all learning together. I expect that you will surpass me!!
The Program:
As noted, the program is a mixture of three, 4-day intensive, hands-on sessions with the horses and each other (over seven months) connected by monthly virtual group meetings to check in on progress and to maintain the flow of the program.
2021 Modules/Dates (British Columbia):
3-day-Introductory EFL Workshop at HorseCentred (prerequisite fo Foundational Facilitation Training program) March 26/27/28, 2021
See Details on Workshops Page
Virtual Start 3-hour virtual call April 23, 2021
Intensive One (at HorseCentred) May 14/15/16/17, 2021
2-hour virtual call June 18, 2021
2-hour virtual call July 16, 2021
Intensive Two (at HorseCentred) August 20/21/22/23, 2021
2-hour open-ended virtual call September 17, 2021
Final Intensive (at HorseCentred) October 15/16/17/18, 2021
The Details:
You are responsible for your own transportation and accommodation (There are local hotels, some super local Airbnb’s and camping may be available locally as well)
Due to Covid 19 restrictions, you must bring your own lunch and snacks
Details of the curriculum will be posted here shortly
The price for this training is $7,500.00 CAD
A deposit of $1,000.00 CAD to confirm your place is due on April 9, 2021
A Payment Plan is available upon registration
An "Application Conversation" with Helen is required prior to Registration to ensure compatibility with these teachings and Helen's philosophy.
2022 Modules/Dates (British Columbia):
3-day-Introductory EFL Workshop at HorseCentred (prerequisite to 2022 Foundational Facilitation Training program) September 10/11/12 , 2021
See Details on Workshops Page
Virtual Start 3-hour virtual call Date to be announced
Intensive One (at HorseCentred) Dates to be announced
2-hour virtual call Date to be announced
2-hour virtual call Date to be announced
Intensive Two (at HorseCentred) Dates to be announced
2-hour open-ended virtual call Date to be announced
Final Intensive (at HorseCentred) Dates to be announced
Sessions During the Covid Pandemic:
Covid 19 restrictions, mean adding on-line services.
Some of the material covered in these modules is being developed as an on-line course in combination with socially distanced in person sessions. Please watch this space for emerging details and/or please contact me!
If You Would Like To Discuss Any Aspect Of This Program, Please Do Not Hesitate To Get In Touch With Me